11 Tips on How to Care For Your Glasses


care for your glasses
blue light glasses
Feel free
dark room
  • Are you tired of having to adjust your glasses because they keep sliding down your nose? Don’t worry! We have the solution, for you

Have you ever heard of Nerdwax? It’s a product crafted from a blend of organic ingredients, primarily beeswax. The creators of Nerdwax developed it with the intention to help care for your glasses while going about your activities. Many users are quite fond of it praising its effectiveness, in preventing glasses from slipping. However it’s worth mentioning that a small number of customers encountered issues such as noses and unexpected medical expenses. If you’re interested, in trying out Nerdwax I suggest conducting a patch test on your skin beforehand. This way you can determine if it suits you before relying on it to keep your glasses in place. Feel free to give it a go and form your opinion!

  • Up is the second frustrating situation. You’re searching for your glasses. Can’t recall where you last put them. To add to the challenge it’s dark. It’s, like a catch 22. “I need my glasses to see but I can’t find them because I can’t see.” Here are some steps you can take.

If you’re anything, like me struggling to find your glasses in the night after night despite knowing then this trick is perfect for you. I often wish there was a search button for glasses or that I could ring them like we do with our phones when they go missing. Like those glow in the dark stars on your ceiling your glasses can shine in the darkness too. Add a fun fluorescent sticker. Paint a section with paint. This way you can easily locate them when the lights are off or if they’ve been tossed into your bag as dark as a room, without light.

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  • You may notice scratches, on your glasses, which become visible when you step out into the sunlight. Despite cleaning them the scratches still remain quite noticeable.

If there are scratches perhaps it’s time to consider getting a new one. If your lenses still have plenty of life left in them and could last you another two decades then grab a microfiber cloth, some lens cleaner and a bit of car wax. Start by cleaning the lenses with the solution and then apply the car wax. To take care for your glasses start using the microfiber cloth or any lint free towel to buff the wax, in circular motions. You’ll notice a reduction in scratches and an improvement, in your vision. No need for your eyes to struggle through those marks anymore. 

  • If you find yourself overwhelmed, by the number of items, in your collection and are looking for a budget method to tidy them up here’s a way to achieve that.

There are hangers, for arranging your clothes. Its not mandatory to hang all your clothes on them. If you have glasses that need hanging feel free to do. Each hanger can hold around 5 to 6 glasses comfortably. Just be mindful not to overcrowd. Stack all your glasses together as this may lead to scratches, on the lenses so better take care for your glasses by holding 5 to 6 glasses comfortably.

  • When it comes to getting rid of dirt and grime you can try making your DIY cleaning solution, for a fun and personalized touch.

To clean and care for your glasses gather water rubbing alcohol or witch hazel and dish soap. Combine equal parts water. Rubbing alcohol or witch hazel with a drop of soap. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle. Use caution, with soaps containing vinegar or ammonia. Spritz the solution, on the lens. Wipe with a microfiber cloth whenever your glasses require cleaning.

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  • If you find yourself in the forest and the screw holding your frame together comes loose try this tip until you’re able to have it properly repaired by a technician.

In moments, like these small items such, as safety pins and toothpicks unexpectedly shine as saviors. If you happen to misplace a screw a toothpick or pin can serve as a fix to keep the arms and frame of your glasses intact. Just snap off any toothpick to avoid looking too comical.

  • If your glasses are no longer fitting properly try using some warmth to reshape them.

Besides frames that’re loose even those that have warped can be quite bothersome. Trust me I’ve experienced it all. In the case of a metal frame gently heat it up. Metals tend to be more flexible when they’re warm. The heat will help you mold the frame back, into its shape. The same technique can be applied to plastic frames well just avoid using heat sources like stoves. Instead opt for steam. That should get the job done.

  • Here’s how to pick the cloth for keeping and care for your glasses clean.

Opt, for a cloth with a weave that feels soft and smooth like satin. Avoid fabrics that leave lint behind when using a cleaning solution as they can transfer it onto the glass. Stay away from fabrics or paper that could potentially scratch your glasses. The key is to use a fine cloth to ensure no harm comes to the delicate coating, on your lenses.

rubbing alcohol
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  • Keep those coated glasses pristine! Clean them with this method for optimal clarity and lasting protection. Your clear vision matters.

Preserve your glasses’ protective coat by steering clear of alcohol-based cleaning solutions. Opt for a DIY solution: create a paste using baking soda and water to banish grime. Gently rub the paste in circular motions, then wipe it off with a microfiber cloth. Rinse with lukewarm water for crystal-clear vision. This simple, effective method ensures your glasses remain spotless without compromising their protective layer. It’s the perfect solution for maintaining both clarity and durability in your eyewear.

  • Adjusting your glasses left marks on your nose and temples? Here’s the fix to soothe and remedy those unwanted imprints.

Enhance your glasses-wearing experience with these personalized tips. Combat discomfort by removing glasses during sweat sessions, maintaining facial hygiene, and moisturizing contact points. Address skin irritation caused by friction by ensuring your face isn’t overly dry. Customize the fit by gently heating and molding tight areas, like nose pads, until you achieve optimal comfort. Navigating eyeglass upkeep can be a task, yet the love for wearing them persists. Embrace eyewear with comfort and style, tailored to your unique preferences and care for your glasses.

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